
Click on the interactive icon or button below to navigate through the different phases of the Humanitarian Programme Cycle to find associated guidance, tools, templates, resources, and vetted country examples for effective cluster coordination and information management.

In addition to the toolkit, click here to find more tools and resources available on Needs Assessment.

Technical education in emergencies resources can be found on the Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) website.

Humanitarian Programme Cycle Elements

Click on one of the cycle elements below to read more details.



Accountability to Affected People

Key Coordination and Information Management Resources

Needs Assessment and Analysis

Key resources, tools, and guidance for conducting, coordinating ad participating in secondary data reviews and joint, harmonized and/or multi-sector needs assessments.

Strategic Planning

Key resources, tools, and guidance for developing and planning comprehensive strategies and EiE response.

Resource Mobilization and Advocacy

Resources, tools and guidance on advocacy and resource mobilization.

Implementation and Monitoring

Resources, guidance and tools for monitoring, reporting and analyzing response data and key information.

Operational Peer Review and Evaluations

Resources for effective cluster performance monitoring review and evaluation.


Key resources, tools, and guidance for strengthening preparedness efforts