Atlantic county property tax rate

The Tax Collector Division is responsible for the preparation and sending of the real estate tax bills. This Division also has the responsibility of the receipt, recording and depositing of all real estate tax payments made to the City, the County, the School Board, Municipal Library and the Open Space Act.


WHEN ARE TAX BILLS MAILED? Tax bills are mailed once a year, usually during the month of July or August. The tax office will mail a tax bill to a new property owner, when they receive notification from the County that there has been a change of ownership.

NOTE: The validity of any tax or assessment, or the time at which it shall be payable, shall not be affected by the failure of a taxpayer to receive a tax bill, but every taxpayer is put on notice to ascertain from the proper official of the taxing district the amount which may be due for taxes or assessments against him or his property. N.J.S.A. 54:4-64

New owners must contact the tax office as soon as possible, if you have not received your tax bill.

1st Quarter – Due February 1st
2nd Quarter – Due May 1st
3rd Quarter – August 1st
4th Quarter – November 1st

The City of Atlantic City, by passage of a yearly Resolution, allows a grace period before charging a penalty for late payment of taxes. Delinquent interest is charged after the 10th day of the month that taxes are due. The State of New Jersey does not allow the Tax Collector to accept postmarks; therefore all payments must be received in the tax office on or before the 10th. If the 10th falls on a weekend or legal holiday, the taxpayer has until the next business day to make a payment.

By law, the City of Atlantic City has adopted by Resolution an interest rate of 8% per annum on the first $1,500.00 of delinquency and 18% per annum on any amount in excess of $1,500.00. The Tax Collector is also authorized to charge a taxpayer having a tax and sewer delinquency in excess of $10,000.00, at the end of the calendar year, a Year-End-Penalty of 6%. N.J.S.A. 54:4-67